
How Can We Help Save The Rainforest

how can we help save the rainforest

How hikers in the Tarkine Rainforest can help save the endangered Tasmanian devil

Visitors to the Tarkine Rainforest in Tasmania, Australia, can now help save the endangered Tasmanian devil. Scientists have set up 45 motion-sensitive cameras along the trails and are asking hikers to help them to collect data and track local populations of the marsupials.

Right on the Tarkine Devil Project's mission, it states they would like to "actively engage the broader community with the research.
Rainforest Schmainforest
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We will offer a direct hands on experience with the science via Tarkine Trails infrastructure, walks and custom built experiences".

While for a long time there was speculation about whether Tasmanian devils even lived in the Tarkine, there is now proof. What's really amazing about the discovery is that the Tarkine population seems to be void of the common facial tumor disease that causes most Tasmanian devils to starve to death, presenting a unique opportunity for researchers to learn more about the disease and to breed healthy devils.

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Tony Hare

If you'd like to sponsor a camera, click here for more information. To learn more about the project itself click here or check out the video above, which is part information, part guided tour as you get to experience the beautiful scenery of the Tarkine Rainforest in Australia.

Filed under: Activism, Arts and Culture, Hiking, Oceania, Australia, Ecotourism

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