
What Is Ozone Depletion

what is ozone depletion

More "ozone depletion" nonsense | JunkScience.com

If AFP had claimed increased exposure due to dramatically improved urban air quality we'd have said "Yes, very possible, indeed, plausible" but the wild claims in this? Oh boy

Teenage Chileans exposed to nearly lifetime of sunrays
by Staff Writers
Santiago (AFP) Jan 25, 2012

A thinning ozone layer means 18-year-olds near the equator have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation equivalent to seniors elsewhere, forcing Chile to search for ways to protect its people.

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The health risks have already led to the development of devices that measure ultraviolet (UV) radiation and issue warnings by illuminating color-coded warning lights.

On a recent day in Santiago, a building site foreman sounded a whistle that made a dozen workers stop what they were doing amid steel, cement and cranes. Only after rubbing sunscreen on to exposed flesh did they return to work.

Chile is one of the countries in South America most deeply endangered by UV light, especially in its northern regions, where the sign beats down hard throughout the year.

NASA and the Environment: The Case of Ozone Depletion (NASA SP-2005-4538)
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